
We investigate the vortex states generated by the gauge-potential-induced rotation in spin-1 Bose–Einstein condensates with spin–orbit coupling. An external magnetic field coupling with spin equivalently imprints a non-zero gauge angular momentum, which induces an equivalent canonical angular momentum in the opposite direction, accompanied by the generation of quantized vortices. The competition between interatomic interactions, spin–orbit coupling and magnetic field leads to a variety of vortex structures. In the weakly interatomic interacting regime, as the increase of SO coupling strength, the condensate with a weak magnetic field gradient experiences the transition from polar-core vortex to Mermin–Ho vortex then to vortex cluster , and the three-vortex structures are found in the vortex cluster. As the SO coupling increases further, the condensate presents symmetrical density domains separated by radial vortex arrays. With the increase of magnetic field gradient, the number of density domains increases, and the condensate eventually turns into a giant vortex. In the relatively strong interatomic interacting regime, vortex sheets are formed when the magnetic field gradient is weak, and the increasing of magnetic field gradient makes the vortex arrangement orderly. Compared with the cases of weak interatomic interacting regime, density domain structures are broken because of the strong interatomic interactions, and the vortices are arranged in coaxial annular arrays.

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