
19506 Background: GISTs represents 0.1–3% of gastrointestinal neoplasms; most cases occur in people 40 to 80 years old, and are more common in men than in women. More than half of all GISTs patients present with locally advanced, recurrent, or metastatic disease (mainly to liver or peritoneum). Methods: From January 2001 to December 2005 we observed in our Institution 26 pts with GISTs; all were CD117+.The main characteristics of these pts were as follows: median age: 61 yr; sex (F/M): 14/12; primary tumor site: stomach 13 (50 %), small intestine 7 (27 %), rectum 1 (4 %), retroperitoneum 4 (15 %), liver 1 (4 %); first symptoms: epigastric pain 10 (38 %); abdominal pain 4 (15 %); hematemesis 1 (3 %); anemia 5 (18,5 %), palpable abdominal mass 1 (3 %), defecation disorders 2 (7 %); melena 3 (11 %); rectal bleeding 1 (3 %); ascites 1 (3 %). Results: Radical surgical resection was performed in 21 patients (81 %), 2 patients received a debulking surgery, and no postoperative mortality or major complications were observed; 3 pts showed an advanced disease. Seven pts (33%) developed recurrence, local or at distance, and the median time to relapse was 7,5 months (range 2–11). One pt with advanced disease dead before any treatment and 11 pts received Imatinib (I), at the standard dose (400 mg/d), starting from the date of diagnosis of advanced disease or metastatic relapse and given until development of intolerance or progressive disease. Main toxicities of I included: neutropenia G3 (4%), skin rash (4%), periorbital oedema (4%). We achieved 3 PR (lasting 12+, 21+ and 40 mos), 6 SD and 2 PD. With a median follow-up of 30 months, all but three pts (dead for progressive diseases) are alive. The overall survival rate was 88.5 % and the median overall survival was 16 mos (range 1–49). Conclusions: Surgical resection remains the only effective treatment for GISTs. However, in pts with advanced or relapsed disease treatment with I is effective with an high disease control rate. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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