
Indigestible tablets leave the stomach during phase III of the MMC. The aim of the study was to measure the MMC manometrically and to demonstrate the gastric emptying by means of the enteric-coated tablet and of a metal detector. Material and methods: 20 (m/f= Ill) healthy volunteers aged 22-62 yr were investigated. The manometric probe included 8 sideholes and I central channel with the distal end connected to a latex balloon containing water for sonographic localization of the probe. For the measurement of gastric emptying we used the metal detector and a metal core tablet (6 mm in size). The position of tablet was documented in a system of coordination with the navel as the central point. The most important characteristics for gastric emptying of the tablet were a rapid movement over a distance of 6-10 em from the left of midline to the right as well as a decrease in intensity because of the retroperitonel localization and the changing location in the lower abdomen. After an overnight fast of at least 12 h the subjects ingested 100 ml of a liquid meal (420 kJ) with the tablet. Than the manometric probe was brought into position. Results: The table shows the gastric emptying of the indigestible particle in relation to the phases of the MMC. In one subject the tablet did not empty during the first MMC at all but during the phase III of the following MMC. The median time of gastric emptying of the tablet after the ingestion of a liquid meal was 150.0 [range 80-260] min. Discussion: The indigestible tablets empty the stomach not only during the phase III of the MMC as it was assumed till now. The gastric emptying of an acid resistent particle can occur in approximately 35% during the phase II of the MMC. One possible explanation for that could be the gaping pylorus. Whether this phenomenon was present in the study individuals with the emptying of the table during the phase II could not be anserwed by the design of this investigation. GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol. 118, No.4

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