
The Middle East holds one of the top five airports in terms of passenger traffic, and the region is booming despite various epidemics and crises. The Middle East’s governments are pushing ahead with the development of aviation schemes. Business leaders from within the region must contemplate expanding their aviation-savvy departments to keep up with the development pace. Gareth Morgan, in his book “Image of Organization”, utilises eight metaphors to analyse an organisation from various frames of reference to allow for recommendations to be drawn. These recommendations are actions for organisations to improve on to increase their competitiveness and business versatility. In this study, a Middle Eastern aviation services provider organisation will be analysed utilising Morgan’s eight metaphors, and as such, adopting a case study conceptual research framework. With the analysis completion, a dominant metaphor will be identified that fits the organisation alongside a set of supporting metaphors. The study concludes that the organisation in question has the Political metaphor as dominant while heavily supported by the Mechanistic, the Organismic, the Brain, the Cultural and the Flux and Transformational metaphors.

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