
Neurons in the ganglion cell layer were studied in Golgi-stained flat-mounted frog ( Rana temporaria) retinas. Complementary data were obtained from methylene blue- and HRP-stained retinas. On the basis of qualitative criteria, 55 neurons were ordered into six groups, one class of amacrine cell (A1) and five classes of ganglion cells (G1-G5). A discriminant function analysis based on seven morphological variables resulted in a separation of the cell classes in the space of three axes. The AI cells are small axonless neurons with knotty and dense dendritic trees. The GI cells are also small, and apparently very numerous, while the G2 cells are medium-sized neurons with two loose dendritic layers, one vitreal and another (less conspicuous) scleral. The rest of the cells are medium-sized to large neurons with sturdy primary dendrites and more distinct dendritic layers, which in some cells (G3) spread both sclerally and vitreally, in other cells in a single either scleral (G4) or vitreal (G5) layer. The relation between our data and the classification of frog ganglion cells recently presented by Frank and Hollyfield is discussed at length, and in that context problems related to statistical classifications are dealt with. A hypothetical identification of the morphological types with the functional cell classes studied in the Helsinki laboratory is discussed.

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