
A case of gangliocytic paraganglioma is reported in the appendix which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first case at this particular site to be described in modern literature. A 47-year-old man with signs and symptoms of acute appendicitis underwent appendectomy. In the resected specimen a tumour with a diameter of 9 mm was found, which microscopically consisted of three different cell types: (a) epithelioid cells lying in a trabecular pattern and in formations reminiscent of 'Zellballen' as seen in paragangliomas (b) spindle cells and (c) ganglion-like cells. A diagnosis of 'gangliocytic paraganglioma' was made and confirmed by immunohistochemical and ultrastructural examination. Gangliocytic paragangliomas are rare tumours of uncertain histogenesis. More than 40 years ago a tumour in the appendix with features similar to our case was described by Masson as 'neuro-carcinoïde'. Concerning its origin, Masson, as well as other authors describing gangliocytic paragangliomas decades later, referred to the endodermal-neuroecto dermal complexes found by Van Campenhout. It is felt that the current finding of a gangliocytic paraganglioma in the appendix supports the hypothesis that gangliocytic paragangliomas arise from these embryonal structures.

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