
BACKGROUND: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (covid-19) spread globally, the World Health Organization wants everyone to stay at home and play video games. In addition, one of the conditions for the World Health Organization to end the coronavirus lockdown is for the community to be fully educated, engaged and empowered to live under a new normal. Therefore, one of the solutions is to create a new game so that everyone (especially students) knows how to prevent COVID-19 infection by playing the game. METHODS: Everyone wearing a mask in public places and testing everyone who has been in contact with COVID-19 patients can reduce COVID-19 infections. Therefore, this new game let everyone know the importance of these two prevention strategies. In the game, if you use the M key (everyone wears a mask in the public place strategy), you can easily win the game. In addition, you need to find all the silent carriers before you can win the game and enter the next level. The purpose is to let everyone know that in order to prevent any serious infection from the subsequent COVID-19 wave, the country must concentrate on finding all silent carriers like China. The wrong prevention strategies are responsible for the higher rate of covid-19 infection in the second wave of covid-19 in some countries, where asymptomatic carriers (silent carriers) are not tested and isolated, resulting in accumulation many silent carriers. These silent carriers caused a high degree of infection in these countries in the second wave of covid-19. The game will show the situation. When the second COVID-19 wave arrives, L4 countries will face many viruses from many silent carriers. In the game, L1 represents China and South Korea, L2 and L3 represent Taiwan, Hong Kong, and L4 represents the United States, Britain, Italy and other countries. RESULTS: After 50 people finished the game; they knew how to use the M key to easily win the game. When playing games, they know the actual situation, so they know how to easily prevent high infection rates in any country CONCLUSIONS: The main purpose of the game is to educate everyone in countries infected with covid-19 to understand the importance of everyone wearing masks in public places, and must concentrate on finding all silent carriers like China to prevent any serious infection of the subsequent covid19 wave.FUNDING: The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.ETHICS APPROVAL STATEMENT: This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.

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