
Currently Indonesia has a drug emergency status. Drug users in Indonesia was recorded as many as 5.1 million people. Every year, about 15 thousand people die from drug use. To overcome all these circumstances the government through the Regulation of the Minister of Health, apply Methadone Maintenance Therapy program. Methadone is not a cure for opiate dependency: during methadone use, the user remains dependent on opiates physically. Participants of methadone maintenance therapy often feel themselves healthy enough to get out of the therapy program (drop out). This study aims to determine the number of dropout in the use of methadone maintenance therapy at Puskesmas Senen, Puskesmas Gambir and Puskesmas Kemayoran Central Jakarta from 2014 to 2016 and overview in Islamic views. Method: This research method used descriptive survey with retrospective data using secondary data in the form of data Drop Out on Methadone Usage at Puskesmas Senen, Puskesmas Gambir and Puskesmas Kemayoran Central Jakarta in 2014-2016. Result: The results of this study indicate the number of patients dropped out on methadone maintenance therapy at Puskesmas Senen, Puskesmas Gambir and Puskesmas Kemayoran in 3 years. At Puskesmas Senen, the highest drop out rate occurred in 2015 with 16 patients from 239 registered patients (6.7%). At Puskesmas Gambir, the highest drop out rate occurred in 2015 with 34 patients from 98 registered patients (34.7%). And at Puskesmas Kemayoran, the highest drop out rate occurred in 2015 with 11 patients from 55 patients who registered (20%). Patients dropping out on methadone maintenance therapy in both Puskesmas Senen and Kemayoran were mostly male and most dropped out at 25 to 49 years with 24 patients out of 25 drop out patients (96%). Conclusion: The highest drop out rate in all three puskesmas occurred in 2015. Patients drop out most of the male and most occur in the age group of 25-49 years. In the view of Islam drug abuse is illegal but if used for medical purposes and not excessive is allowed. This is a state of emergency and the circumstances are still allowed to remember the method often raised by scholars, "The state of emergency allows forbidden things". To reduce the rate of drop out and recurrence, the principle that must be applied of treatment for drug addicts patients are treated and repented, with integrated methods of medical therapy, psychological, social and religious.


  • Pendahuluan Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia dan memiliki letak geografis yang unik dan strategis

  • Di Puskesmas Gambir angka drop out tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2015 yaitu 34 pasien dari 98 pasien yang terdaftar (34,7%)

  • Pasien drop out pada terapi rumatan metadon baik di Puskesmas Senen maupun Puskesmas Kemayoran sebagian besar adalah berjenis kelamin laki – laki dan paling banyak drop out terjadi pada kelompok umur 25 – 49 tahun yaitu, pasien dari pasien drop out (96%)

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Terdaftar Drop Out

Pada tabel 2 dapat dilihat terdapat 2 pembagian kelompok berdasarkan jenis kelamin yaitu, laki – laki dan wanita. Dari 31 sampel, pasien laki – laki yang drop out sebanyak 29 orang (93,5%) dan pasien perempuan sebanyak 2 orang (6,5%). Dari tabel 3 dapat dilihat bahwa jumlah pasien Drop Out Terapi Rumatan Metadon di Puskesmas Gambir dalam 3 tahun. Pada tahun 2014 berjumlah 24 orang dari 120 pasien yang terdaftar (20%), tahun 2015 bejumlah 34 orang dari 98 pasien yang terdaftar (34,7%), dan tahun. 2016 berjumlah 13 orang dari 87 pasien yang terdaftar (15%)

Tingkat Tahun Angka Drop Out
Berdasarkan Usia
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