
A review of the available information concerning gall midges as endoparasites shows that only three species in two genera have been described.Endaphis perfidusKieffer is a parasite of apterousDrepanosiphum platanoides(Schr.) (Aphididae) in Lorraine and England. Although on several occasions larvae ofEndaphissp. have been found in England, the Netherlands and Germany parasitising other Aphids, practically no information additional to that supplied by Kieffer has beeen published. In only one instance besidesE. perfidushas the adult midge been reared and figured,i.e., Endaphis(cf.perfidusKieffer) inMacrosiphum jaceae(L.) onCarduusin Germany.Endopsylla agilisde Meijere is a parasite of wingesPsylla foersteriFlor (Psyllidae) in the Netherlands. The bionomics of what is almost certainly the same species, parasitisingP. maliraceperegrinaFoerst. on hawthorn (alsoP. pyricolaFoerst. andP. melanoneuraFoerst.) andP. mali(Schmidb.) on apple, respectively, have been studied in Scotland and Germany.Endopsylla endogena(Kieffer) was found parasitising the larva ofStephanitis pyri(F.) (Tingidae) in Portugal but has not been recorded again.A fourth species,Pseudendaphis maculans, gen. et sp. n., that parasitises various Aphids in Trinidad, has now been described.Indications are given of the whereabouts of any existing types or other specimens of all the known endoparasitic gall midges.

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