
Abstract Estimating the amount of foreground extinction due to the Milky Way dust along the line of sight is often a first step in determining the luminosity of an object. The amount of Galactic dust inferred by infrared emission maps can be contaminated by infrared light from nearby galaxies. By comparing extinction values at and around the location of nearby galaxies, we compile a list of 95 galaxies that likely contaminate the maps with an excess or improperly subtracted galaxian infrared emission, and tabulate our recommended values for the MW contribution. In addition to M82, which inspired this work, six more sources have an excess visual extinction A V of at least 0.05 mag greater than our annular values; including M83, NGC 1313, NGC 6822, NGC 918, UGC 11501, and UGC 11797. M33 is shown to be oversubtracted. NGC 88 and the outskirts of NGC 4258 are located in gaps in the Infrared Astronomical Satellite imaging. The recommended dust map values for the LMC, SMC, and M31 may also not be correctly returned by some software packages. Accurate reddening estimates are important for measuring stellar and supernova luminosities in these nearby galaxies.

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