
We analyze the a set of 17 rotation curves of low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS) with different mass models to study the core structure and to determine a phase transition energy scale (${E}_{c}$) between hot and cold dark matter, due to nonperturbative effects in the bound dark matter (BDM) model. Our results agree with previous ones, implying the cored profiles are preferred over the $N$-body motivated cuspy Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile. We find an average galactic core radius of ${r}_{c}=260\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}1.3}\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{pc}$ and a phase transition energy ${E}_{c}=0.11\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.46}\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{eV}$, that is of the same order of magnitude as the sum of the neutrino masses.

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