
A centre in GaP having a -like behaviour has been studied both experimentally and theoretically. It was identified originally by thermally detected (TD) EPR experiments carried out at liquid helium temperatures and correlated with the optical absorption 1.03 eV zero phonon line from the isolated substitutional ion. Subsequent TD-EPR experiments on different types of samples and sub-band-gap illumination effects show that, although the centre is -like, it can not be the isolated ion. A theoretical model is proposed in which this -like ion is described by a strain-stabilized Jahn-Teller (JT) model associated with wells that have orthorhombic symmetry in the potential energy surface. On fitting the isofrequency curves to all the relevant TD-EPR data, values for the second-order JT reduction factors are obtained which indicate that this -like centre is strongly coupled to its surroundings. The electronic structure of this centre has still to be established.

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