I trust that a few additional remarks on the facts recorded in the former description of this barrow may be of some interest, and may help to further illustrate the history of this important barrow. Referring to Dr. Garson’s descriptions of the skeletons it will be observed, probably with some surprise, that he had met with no female bones, the eight adult specimens all belonging to males. The height of the tallest he calculated to have been about 6 feet 3 inches, and the shortest about 5 feet 1 1/4 inches. It will also be noticed that their average height and cranial measurements correspond very closely with those usually found in long barrow interments, and are very different in type from other round barrow specimens with which Dr. Garson has compared them. But according to the prevalent theory the round barrows were raised by a round skulled race, and the long barrows by men with long skulls. A theory which is decidedly negatived by the evidence obtained from this round barrow, and also from numerous other examples which have come under my observation. It is to be regretted Dr. Garson has omitted giving the approximate ages of the eight adults. From my own examination of the teeth at the time when I was engaged in repairing the crania, I was led to believe the ages of the adults varied from 18 to 70, or even more, whilst those of the children extended down to the period of infancy. From this ...
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