
In the years 1996-98 and 2001, the occurrence of fungi of the genus Ramulania in 11 plant associations of the Słowiński National Park (north-western Poland) was investigated. The plant associations included: <i>Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei, Betulo pendulae-Quercetum roboris, Carici arenariae-Empetretum nigri (CaEn), Elymo-Ammophiletum (EA), Empetro nigri-Pinetum, Filipendulo-Geranietum, Helichryso-Jasionetum litoralis, Myrico-Salicetum auritae (MSa), Phragmitetum australis (Pa), Ribeso nigri-Alnetum,</i> and <i>Vaccinio uliginosi-Betulelum pubescentis</i>. A total of 37 species of <i>Ramularia</i> were found. Of them, <i>R. galli</i> was newly found in Poland, and <i>R. archangelicae, R. calcea, R. chamaedryos, R. cynarae, R. didymarioides R. lactea, R. rhaetica, R. schulzeri R. tanaceti</i> and <i>R. triboutiana</i> were earlier infrequently recorded in this country. Eight <i>Ramularia</i> taxa were found on plants earlier not reported to be their hosts, i. e., <i>Ramularia chaerophylli</i> (on <i>Chaerophyllum temulum</i>), <i>R. lamii</i> var. <i>lamii (Galeopsis tetrahit), R. inaequale (Hieracium laevigatum, H. sabaudum</i> and <i>Hypochoeris radicata), R. schulzeri (Lotus uliginosus), R. grevilleana</i> var. <i>grevilleana (Potentilla erecta), R. uredinis (Pucciniastrum vaccinii z Vaccinium uliginosum), R. lactea (Viola palustris and V. tricolor)</i> and <i>R. veronicae (Veronica arvensis)</i>. Most species of <i>Ramularia</i> occurred in the <i>MSa</i> (18), and least in <i>EA</i> (1), <i>CaEn</i> (l), and <i>Pa</i> (1).


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