
Intracranial brain abscess is a recess of pus in the brain [1]. Abscess may have single or multiple leasions in varies regions of the brain [1-4]. Pus is surrounded by abscess wall or capsule. The most common cause of brain abscess is bacteria, as fungal infection usually occurse in patiens with history of immunosuppression. However half of fungal infection casses, patients had no risk factors, adjacent disease or known immumosuppresion. Fungal brain abscess is rare sourse of brain abscess but frequently fatal and even for patients with no immunosuppresion [4-7]. Infection to the central nervous system spreads in several different ways. Hematogenous path from the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, or directly from the sinuses, orbits and retro-parapharingialy [4]. In this article we present a clinical case, were we first of all suspected brain tumor for the patient but later this diagnosis was denied by histological findings, whitch brought us new diagnosis fungal brain abscess.

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