
In the present study we analyzed 30 patients (20 females and10 males) diagnosed with a severe depressive disorder, meanage 37.6 ± 9.3 years, who were under cognitive-behavioralpsychotherapy. The patients were divided into three groups:one group was submitted to group therapy only (group I),the other one to individual therapy (group II), while thethird group was submitted to combined individual and grouppsychotherapy (group III). We applied the Beck DepressionInventory (BDI) scale and Global Assessment of Functioning(GAF) scale at the beginning of treatment and at its end(namely, after 12 months), and again six months later followingthe one-year period of treatment. At the beginning oftreatment the median values of the whole group were notedas follows: BDI 42, and GAF 50.5. After one year of psychotherapythe median values of improvement were registeredas follows: in respect of BDI it was recorded as 38, while forGAF it was recorded as 22. GAF score correlated very significantlywith BDI (-0.52). Six months after the last individualand group sessions were held all parameters were significantlyworsened. At this stage there was a moderate correlationof GAF with BDI (-0.47). Through all the stages BDI valuein group I showed a significant correlation with GAF: -0.65before the introduction of therapy, -0.48 after psychotherapy,and -0.48 after a six-month period without therapy. Similarvalues were observed in group II: -0.58 before therapy, -0.36after therapy, and -0.85 six months later, while in group IIIthe following values were observed: -0.58 before therapy, -0.36after therapy and -0.47 six months later. Conclusion: GAF ismost strongly correlated with BDI in all stages, both in thestage of improvement or aggravation of illness and it may beapplied as a useful screening test in further psychotherapeuticstrategy. The combined individual and group psychotherapyincreases the overall functioning rate regardless of a significantlylesser improvement of depression in comparison withthe isolated group psychotherapy.

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