
The promoter region flanking the 5` CAZFP1 coding region was isolated from the genomic DNA of Capsicum annuum. To identify the upstream region of the CAZFP1 gene required for promoter activity, a series of CAZFP1 promoter deletion derivatives was created. Each deletion construct was analyzed by Agrobacteriummediated transient transformation in tobacco leaves after infection by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci, or treatment with methyl jasmonate (MeJA), ethylene,abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid (SA), cold and wounding. Promoter fragments of 685 bp or longer showed 7-fold or greater induction after P. s. pv. tabaci infection and MeJA treatment. The CAZFP1 full-length promoter (-999 bp) also showed 6-fold induction in response to ethylene. The transiently transformed tobacco leaves with the CAZFP1 full length promoter fused-GUS gene showed more than 5-fold induction in response to SA, ABA and cold. These results suggest that the CAZFP1 promoter contains responsive elements for pathogen, MeJA, ethylene, SA, ABA and cold.

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