
A fully coherent snowpack scattering and emission model is developed by numerically solving Maxwell's equations over the entire snowpack on a bottom half-space. The scattering matrix of the snowpack is directly obtained including both amplitude and phase. Both bistatic scattering coefficients and brightness temperatures of the snowpack are derived from full wave simulations. Simulation results demonstrate backscattering enhancement effects and coherent thin layer effects. The model is applied to study microwave signatures of the Arctic sea ice where the snow cover thickness has rapidly decreased. Microwave signatures are important in classification of sea-ice types and in quantitative characterization of snow cover properties. Both have strong impacts on the thermodynamics of sea ice. In the fully coherent model, a half-space dyadic Green's function is used in the volume integral equation to represent the effects of the underlying sea ice. Discrete dipole approximation is used to solve the volume integral equations, where parallel fast Fourier transform technique is utilized to accelerate the matrix-vector multiplications. The snowpack is represented as a bicontinuous medium. Periodic boundary conditions are applied in the two horizontal dimensions to simulate an infinite lateral extent of the snowpack.

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