
This work addresses the effect of operating parameters and catalysts on pyrolytic products yield and nature of pyrolytic liquid generated from Areca catechu sawdust (AN). Physicochemical characteristics of AN showcased its bio-energy potential as a substitute for fossil fuels. Further, catalytic pyrolysis yielded 36.75 wt% and 35.70 wt% pyrolytic liquid for ZSM-5 and MgO respectively at 8:1 B/C, which is greater than thermal pyrolytic yield 33.75 wt%. The characterization of pyrolytic oil demonstrated that the adoption of catalysts upgrades the properties of pyrolytic oil. FTIR examination of pyrolytic oil summarized the attendance of aromatics, acid, moisture, protein impurities etc., while GC-MS results recognized that the utilization of catalysts brings down the yield of oxygen-rich products and acids while showing an escalation in the aromatic yield. Further, ash content study of pyrolytic oil confirmed the greater reduction in ash content in catalytic pyrolytic oil than thermal pyrolytic oil due to utilization of catalysts. Results of biochar characterization marked out a higher carbon content (73.14%), heating value (29.11 MJ kg−1), zeta potential (−31.04 mV), fixed carbon (62.12%) and lower BET surface area (5.49 m2 g−1). Furthermore, the XRF study of ash content established the attendance of various inorganic content in ash which worked as catalysts at the time of pyrolysis.

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