
Two-dimensional (cross-shelf and depth) circulation by downwelling wind in the presence of a prograding front (with isopycnals that slope in the same direction as the topographic slope) over a continental shelf is studied using high-resolution numerical experiments. The physical process of interest is the cross-shelf circulation produced by northeasterly monsoon winds acting on the Kuroshio front over the East China Sea outer shelf and shelfbreak where upwelling is often observed. However, a general problem is posed and solved by idealized numerical and analytical models. It is shown that upwelling is produced shoreward of the front. The upwelling is maintained by (1) a surface bulge of negative vorticity at the head of the front; (2) bottom offshore convergence beneath the front; and (3) in the case of a surface front that is thin relative to water depth, also by upwelling due to the vorticity sheet under the front. The near-coast downwelling produces intense mixing due to both upright and slant-wise convection in regions of positive potential vorticity. The analytical model shows that the size and on-shore propagating speed of the bulge are determined by the wind and its shape is governed by a nonlinear advection–dispersion equation which yields unchanging wave-form solutions. Successive bulges can detach from the front under a steady wind. Vertical circulation cells develop under the propagating bulges despite a stable stratification. These cells can have important consequences to vertical exchanges of tracers and water masses.

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