
From the Desk of the Executive Director Emily Spinelli The publication of this March 2010 issue of Hispania marks the inauguration of an exciting new era for our academic journal. This new era is characterized by numerous changes including a new editor, managing editor, and book review editor; a new publisher; a new online submission process; and a new approach to the content of the journal. The new Editor, Sheri Spaine Long, brings to Hispania considerable editorial experience and as such becomes part of the long tradition of distinguished scholar-editors of our journal. I would like to praise Sheri for her diligence in guiding the journal through the transition with its numerous challenges of moving to a new publisher, new website, and new online submission process. Along with the new Editor, Hispania has also acquired a new Managing Editor, Kris Swanson, and new Book/Media Review Editor, John K. Moore, Jr. Together this new team of editors promises to continue the emphasis on quality while bringing the journal into line with the new technology of the 21st century. The Johns Hopkins University Press was chosen as the new publisher for Hispania because of its long-standing reputation in the field of academic presses and its ability to update Hispania with regard to its use of technology. The first major change in the use of technology is the new online submission and peer-review process called Manuscript Central, which allows authors to submit their articles and book/media reviews online and then check the status of them throughout the peer review and acceptance process. Manuscript Central also helps with the peer review process, making it easier for reviewers to access the article and make comments and recommendations to the authors. At some point during 2010 Hispania will appear in an online format as well as in the traditional print version. There are no plans to eliminate the print version of the journal; rather, the plan is to offer AATSP members and library subscribers the option of receiving the online version or the print version. As more and more libraries are eliminating their print journals because of space concerns and in an attempt to reach more scholars, it is time for Hispania to join the growing number of respected academic journals to offer their subscribers more than a hard copy of the journal. There was a time that the only means that the AATSP office had to communicate with the membership was through information published in Hispania. With the introduction of websites and other forms of digital communication, there is no longer a need to publish AATSP announcements and information in the journal. Therefore, many sections of Hispania, including minutes, financial statements, SHH/SHA chapter information, and calendar items, will be moved to the AATSP website where they will be archived for the future. The dissertation list will continue to be published in the journal and will also be available online. In closing, the AATSP national office wishes the editors of Hispania continued success with the journal as it expands its role and attempts to reach even more readers and researchers. [End Page vii] Emily Spinelli Executive Director, AATSP Copyright © 2010 American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Inc.

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