
Infrared spectra have been obtained for laboratory residues of photoprocessed low temperature ices which have been exposed to long term solar ultraviolet radiation on the EURECA satellite. This is an analog to the ultraviolet processing of interstellar dust mantles in diffuse clouds after leaving molecular clouds. The 3.4 µm absorption features of these organic materials match those of the diffuse cloud interstellar dust better than any other previously suggested analog to the interstellar organics. The silicate core-organic refractory mantle elongated interstellar dust model is shown to provide the best fit to date with interstellar polarization. Such core-mantle particles are the basic unit in the comet dust structure which, along with the presence of chirality in the organic mantles and the fluffy morphological structure, provide a strongly directed environment for rapid prebiotic chemical evolution within those comet dust particles which survived and landed in water following comet impacts on the early earth.

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