
Formation of a functional eye during vertebrate embryogenesis requires different processes such as cell differentiation, cell migration, cell-cell interactions as well as intracellular signalling processes. It was previously shown that the non-canonical Wnt receptor Frizzled 3 (Fzd3) is required for proper eye formation, however, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that loss of Fzd3 induces severe malformations of the developing eye and that this defect is phenocopied by loss of the activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (Alcam). Promoter analysis revealed the presence of a Fzd3 responsive element within the alcam promoter, which is responsible for alcam expression during anterior neural development. In-depth analysis identified the jun N-terminal protein kinase 1 (JNK1) and the transcription factor paired box 2 (Pax2) to be important for the activation of alcam expression. Altogether our study reveals that alcam is activated through non-canonical Wnt signalling during embryonic eye development in Xenopus laevis and shows that this pathway plays a similar role in different tissues.

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