
Frequency-dependent opacities are determined for high-Z plasma taking into account splitting of the energy levels with orbital quantum number l. The energy levels are calculated with the help of the screened hydrogenic model generalized by Perrot for l splitting. Oscillator strengths for bound-bound and bound-free transitions are computed from hydrogenic wave functions with two different screened nuclear charges. The average atom model is used to determine the plasma state, with provision for continuum lowering and pressure ionization. Explicit results for extinction coefficients of gold plasma with ρ = 0.1 g/cm3 and T = 100−500 eV are compared with calculations neglecting l splitting. Considerably enhanced absorption at lower photon energies (50–300 eV) is obtained when taking l splitting into account. Planck and Rosseland mean opacities are also calculated and compared with data contained in the SESAME opacity library. Remarkable agreement is found without any artificial line broadening or band smearing.

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