
Abstract A synoptic examination of the laws concerning the liberation of slaves in Ex 21:2-11, Lev 25:39-46 and Dtn 15:12-18 which considers the relationship of all three texts to each other seems to suggest that the law in Dtn combines the other two texts. This is supported by the observation of A. Schenker that the stipulations in Lev 25:39-46 and Ex 21:3-4 are complementary. The earlier arguments for a dependency of Lev 25 on Dtn 15—critically evaluated in the version of Stackert here—are no longer sustainable. It seems that Dtn 15:12-18 is an attempt to transfer the complementary stipulations of Ex 21:2-11 and Lev 25:39-46 into a consistent rule doing justice to both laws. The hermeneutical key is social protection.

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