
Better methods for anterolateral thigh flap donor-site reconstruction are desirable in cases when direct closure is impossible. Multiple surgical strategies have been attempted, and each has its shortcomings. The use of a contralateral free groin flap to repair the anterolateral thigh flap donor site is investigated in this report. From October 2015 to February 2016, free groin flaps were harvested on six patients for aesthetic and functional donor-site closure of the anterolateral thigh flap, which could not be directly closed. In these cases, the reverse-flow distal portion of the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and vein were used as recipient vessels and anastomosed to the superficial circumflex iliac artery and vein, respectively. One flap had presented a few blisters on the distal margin; the other five flaps fully survived without any complications. Patients were highly satisfied with the aesthetic outcomes of both the anterolateral thigh area and the groin site. Although with theoretical risks of compromised venous blood flow, free groin flaps are an effective strategy for closure of massive anterolateral donor-site defects and can be safely performed with thoughtful planning and meticulous microsurgical techniques.

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