
We study the free data in the Fefferman–Graham expansion of asymptotically Einstein (n+1)-dimensional metrics with non-zero cosmological constant. We analyze the relation between the electric part of the rescaled Weyl tensor at {mathscr {I}}, D, and the free data at {mathscr {I}}, namely a certain traceless and transverse part of the n-th order coefficient of the expansion mathring{g}_{(n)}. In the case Lambda <0 and Lorentzian signature, it was known [23] that conformal flatness at {mathscr {I}} is sufficient for D and mathring{g}_{(n)} to agree up to a universal constant. We recover and extend this result to general signature and any sign of non-zero Lambda . We then explore whether conformal flatness of {mathscr {I}} is also neceesary and link this to the validity of long-standing open conjecture that no non-trivial purely magnetic Lambda -vacuum spacetimes exist. In the case of {mathscr {I}} non-conformally flat we determine a quantity constructed from an auxiliary metric which can be used to retrieve mathring{g}_{(n)} from the (now singular) electric part of the Weyl tensor. We then concentrate in the Lambda >0 case where the Cauchy problem at {mathscr {I}} of the Einstein vacuum field equations is known to be well-posed when the data at {mathscr {I}} are analytic or when the spacetime has even dimension. We establish a necessary and sufficient condition for analytic data at {mathscr {I}} to generate spacetimes with symmetries in all dimensions. These results are used to find a geometric characterization of the Kerr-de Sitter metrics in all dimensions in terms of its geometric data at null infinity.


  • When written in terms of the conformal metric g, the Einstein equation of g is singular at I

  • It is noteworthy that associated to a conformal metric g solving the conformal Friedrich equations, there is a solution to the Einstein equations g which is “semiglobal”

  • We provide a geometric relation between g(n) and the tensor D, the electric part of the rescalled Weyl tensor at I, for spacetimes admitting a conformally flat I

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When written in terms of the conformal metric g, the Einstein equation of g is singular at I. Theorem 2.4 is proven, which establishes that the nth order coefficient of the FG expansion coincides (up to a certain constant) with the electric part of the rescaled Weyl tensor in the case when I is conformally flat and n > 3 (for n = 3 this is true in full generality). This theorem finds immediate application in the Cauchy problem of Einstein equations at I with positive cosmological constant (cf Corollary 2.4.1). We will work in the general setup unless otherwise stated

Initial data and the Weyl tensor
Fefferman–Graham formalism
Formulae for the Weyl tensor
Free data and the Weyl tensor
KID for analytic metrics
Characterization of generalized Kerr-de Sitter metrics
A Derivation of Weyl tensor formulae
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