
Academie des Sciences The French Academy of Sciences has published its Report number 38, `Problems associated with the effects of low doses of ionising radiations'. The issue of exposure to low levels of ionising radiation and the resulting risk to the general population of workers has come to the forefront again following the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) to lower the existing dose limits which have previously served as a guideline in the management of radioprotection. At the request of the Minister of Health of France, the French Academy of Sciences has reviewed the scientific arguments which were put forward by the ICRP in 1990, particularly in the light of scientific data obtained in more recent years. The focus of the analysis is twofold: · the epidemiological and dosimetric aspects which factor into the strategy of radiological risk; · the cellular and molecular aspects of the normal and perturbed response to radiation. The present document provides an English translation of Report number 34 of the French Academy of Sciences, published in October 1995. Report number 38 has, however, been significantly developed to take into account, wherever possible, new data in the field of molecular biology and epidemiology. The majority view of the Advisory Group which prepared the report was that it is not necessary to follow the latest recommendations of the ICRP and that the annual dose limits previously recommended by the French Academy of Sciences in 1989, 50 mSv for workers (but not exceeding a lifetime dose of 1000 mSv) and 5 mSv for the general public, should be maintained in France. The report also recommends the reduction of doses received for medical purposes, wherever possible, and more research on mechanisms and epidemiology. In addendum to the report, reviewing results of research since Report number 34, it is excluded that it is necessary to integrate these new findings with the previous body of knowledge on radiation effects to make an overall assessment of their possible impact on estimates of radiological risk. Richard Wakeford The following papers appeared in Radioprotection 32 (4) 1997. Revue des principales caract�ristiques du 237Np A Darque, O Girard De Vasson, G Bataller and R Fottorino Utilisation de la signature isotopique des radionucl�ides rel�ch�s par les mines et les usines de traitement des minerais d'uranium, pour discriminer aux bas niveaux leur impact environmental de celui de la tellurique naturelle P Zettwoog, N Lema�tre, S Bernard and Y Vauzelle Dose efficace li�e � la consommation d'eau min�rale naturelle par l'adulte et le nourrisson H Metivier and M Roy Le tritium dans le milieu aquatique et le risque associ� V Tort, C Lefaure, G Linden and J Heberlet

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