
The fragments that were found in different locations and of diverse sizes have been restoredit returned once more similar to its original state of the Dream Stela. The stela is of arectangular form, but missing small segments on all sides, measuring about 175 cm width, 97cm height and 14.5 cm thick. It seems that the stela was unfinished, due to the different levelsand rough surface, as well as the different quality in finishing the scene of the two lions. Thereare some similarities with the reliefs and its accompanied inscriptions between this stela andthe Sphinx dream stela. The stela is made out of fine and white limestone, found in the mainmagazine of Giza plateau, but came in many pieces. Two big pieces of the stela are found bySelim Hassan during his excavations in the temple of Amenhotep II nearby of the Sphinx.

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