
The thermal and fragmentation properties of star forming clouds have important consequences on the corresponding characteristic stellar mass. The initial composition of the gas within these clouds is a record of the nucleosynthetic products of previous stellar generations. In this paper, we present a model for the evolution of star forming clouds enriched by metals and dust from the first supernovae (SNe), resulting from the explosions of metal-free progenitors with masses in the range 12-30 M ⊙ and 140-260 M ⊙ . Using a self-consistent approach, we show that: (i) metals depleted on to dust grains play a fundamental role, enabling fragmentation to solar or subsolar mass scales already at metallicities Z cr = 10 -6 Z ⊙ ; (ii) even at metallicities as high as 10 -2 Z ⊙ , metals diffused in the gas phase lead to fragment mass scales which are? 100 M ⊙ ; (iii) C atoms are strongly depleted on to amorphous carbon grains and CO molecules so that C II plays a minor role in gas cooling, leaving O I as the main gas-phase cooling agent in low-metallicity clouds. These conclusions hold independently of the assumed SN progenitors and suggest that the onset of low-mass star formation is conditioned to the presence of dust in the parent clouds.

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