
F RACTURE of the vertebra1 coIumn is common, comprising over 6 per cent of a11 fractures throughout the skeIeton. Its importance is not confirmed to its effect upon bony structure and function, but incIudes the serious possibiIity of damage to the spina cord contained within the coIumn. Traumatic Iesions of the cord are irreparabIe, and when at a11 extensive, are grave tragedies. Cord injury probabIy occurs not more often than once in ten fracture-disIocations. In deaIing with vertebra1 body injuries we must keep constantIy in mind that the bodies are weight bearing structures, the permanent deformity of which wiII seriousIy aIter the statics of the coIumn by changing the spinal curves. Thus aItered, the abnorma1 curves subject Iigaments and muscles to disabIing strain. FaiIure to compIeteIy correct vertebra1 body deformity is responsibIe for more of the poor resuIts so commonIy seen than a11 other factors combined. It resuIts in proIonged disabihty. The correction of the vertebral body deformity (reduction) has during the past few years been perfected to such a degree that the traumatic surgeon may dea1 with this injury confident of success, provided he carries out thoroughIy each step in the treatment.

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