
Abstract In the past decades, most oil explotation in the White Tiger oil field was produced from the basement reservoir. However, in recent years, these pay zones consist of basement reservoirs, Oligocene reservoirs, and Miocene reservoirs of which oil field s have been declined in oil production rate due to several issues such as complex fracture network, high heterogeneity formation, high water cut, and the reduction of reservoir pressure. The huge issues in the most production wells at basement reservoir were high water cut and it has been significantly increasing during oil production yearly. Therefore, the total amount of oil production in all pay zones sharply decreased with time. At present, the lower Miocene reservoir is one of the best tight oil reservoirs to produce oil extractrion. The lower Miocene reservoir has been faced some issues such as high heterogeneity, complex structure, catastrophic clay swelling, low connectivity among the fractures, low effective wellbore radius and the reservoir that is hig h temperature up to 120°C, the closure pressure up to 6680psi, reservoir pressure up to 4500 psi, reservoir depth up to 3000m. Another reason low conductivity consists of both low reservoir porosity ranging from 1% of the hard shale to 10% of the sandstone formation, and the low permeability raining from 1md to 10md. By considering the various recovery methods, the integrated hydraulic fracturing stimulation is the best tool to successfully stimulate this reservoir, which method allows an increase in oil production rate. In the post fractured well has been shown an increase in productivity over 3 folds in comparison with the base case with fracture half-length nearly 75m, and fracture conductivity about 5400md.ft, which production rate is higher than the production rate of the base case. In addition, the proppant mass is used of 133,067 lbs of which the first main stage is to pump sinter lite bauxite proppant type of 20/40 into the fractures and the next big stage is to pump sintered ball bauxite proppant size of 16/30 into the fractures, which not only isolate proppant flow back but also increase fracture conductivity at the near wellbore as wel as high productivity rate after fractured well. To improve proppant transport, fract uring fluid systems consist of Guar polymer concentration of 11.2 pptg with these additives to form a total leak-off coefficient of 0.00227 ft/min0.5.

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