
The absorption spectra of carbon monoxide have been recorded in the 8150–8466 cm−1 wavenumber regions using the IFS 125 HR Fourier transform spectrometer and a 30 m multipass cell with the White-type optical system. The spectra were recorded at spectral resolution of 0.012–0.014 cm−1, path length up to 1058 m, and at pressure range from 196 to 492 mbar. The temperature of the recordings was about 302 K. The lines of the 4–0 band of three isotopologues 12C16O, 13C16O and 12C18O were assigned. The effective dipole moment parameters describing the line intensities of the 4–0 band of 12C16O were fitted to the observed values of the line intensities. Then using the isotopic substitution equations they were recalculated to those of the minor isotopologues including the radioactive ones. The accuracy of the line intensity measurements varies between 2% and 3% for the strong unblended lines. The comparison of our measured line intensities to those of other authors and to HITRAN2016 database is given.

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