
In planetary research, Fourier transform infrared spectrometers (FTIR) solve a number of important scientific goals related both to the atmosphere and to the surface sounding. For remote orbital measurements, these goals are the thermal sounding of the atmosphere using, in particular, the 15-µm CO2 band, sensitive detections of minor gaseous species and aerosol characterization. FTIR can address similar atmospheric science goals when observing from a planetary surface allowing for better-resolved boundary layer and achieving greater accuracy (longer integration) for minor species detection. For studies of planetary surfaces, characterization of mineralogical composition in a wide IR range including sensitive measurements of hydration of the soil on airless bodies can be done. We outline a family of FTIR instruments dedicated to studies of Mars and the Moon. TIRVIM is a channel of ACS on ExoMars TGO (in orbit around Mars since October 2016). It is a 2-inch interferometer for nadir and solar occultation measurements of Mars’ atmosphere. It covers a spectral range of 1.7–17 µm with spectral resolution up to 0.13 cm−1. LUMIS is a similar instrument for Luna-Resource Orbiter (Luna-26) Roscosmos mission dedicated to the search for hydration of the lunar regolith in the 6-µm band. The spectral range of LUMIS is broad (1.7–17 µm), but its sensitivity is optimized for the 4–8 µm region. The spectral resolution is 50 cm−1. We also describe recent developments focused on technical solutions for miniaturized FTIR instruments with a very high spectral resolution (0.05 cm−1 and higher). The prototype targets measurements of minor atmospheric species from the surface of Mars using the Sun tracking. One important task is to provide a high precision of interferometer’s mirror movement. Another task is the development of a precise two-coordinate mechanism to seek for and follow the Sun.

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