
The need for methods, techniques and approaches that we can develop high-level thinking skills in important activities increases day by day in order to achieve effective use of technology and change in information and communication technologies. In particular, the diversity, complexity of technical skills and to gain technical skills required to be learned in schools and through applications in industry is important. Teaching the programming as a technical skill during instructional design process (ID) and how effective and meaningful teaching can be taught is an important problem. Thus, instructional design models have been developed for the solution of learning problems in systemic, systematic and appropriate learning conditions and especially for the development of technical skills (van Merrienboer (1997). The instructional design model (4C/ID) activity mentioned here can be used for teaching the importance of instructional and technological stages by combining and supporting another multimedia project design, development and evaluation model. This study presents technical skills only by pointing to the future developers and designers of programming that an instructional design approach can be used to develop other programming skills. In addition, through ten steps proposed for complex learning (van Merrienboer & Kirschner 2007) and steps in achieving complex cognitive, high-level, algorithm based limited coding, technical skills, it is to provide a new different approach to program developers, instructors and designers by planning and discussing the design of the process within a basic frame as to be in four stages (van Merrienboer & Kirschner 2007). The purpose of this study is to adapt the principles of the model for teaching technical skills by using four-component instructional design model (4C/ID) within software programming. In this study, theoretical framework for teaching complex technical skills, learning theories and problem solving in programming are given. The relationships between components of 4C/ID model presented for teaching programming skills. At the end of study, the ID model components and their applications for future programming skills were indicated.

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