
Mumps virus infections primarily involve the parotid glands and most frequently affect school-aged children. Mumps has many complications, such as meningitis, but laryngeal edema is not a common one. We present four cases of mumps with laryngeal edema. The patients were a 39-year-old male, 23-year-old female, 29-year-old female and 31-year-old female. They came to our hospital complaining of submandibular and subaural regional swelling and dyspnea. In every case, fiberscopic findings revealed edema of the arytenoid. Laboratory examination showed normal WBC, slightly high CRP and high serum amylase. Their mumps titers were positive for immunoglobulin M and G. The patients were admitted to our hospital and were started on intravenous steroids. In one case, because of progressive dyspnea, a tracheotomy was needed. All symptoms of laryngeal edema improved within 3 days. In previous reports in the literature, there were four cases of mumps with laryngeal edema which required a tracheotomy because of aggravation of dyspnea. If a patient with mumps complains of dyspnea, examination of the respiratory airway is important.

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