
Anthrax which is a rare disease in developed countries, is still a serious public health problem in countries like Turkey where livestock is common. In this report, four cases of cutaneous anthrax detected in Kirkira village of Diyarbakir, Southeast Anatolia, Turkey, were presented. Three female and one male patients were admitted to our hospital with the complaints of skin lesions and high fever lasting for 10 days. Their history indicated that they injured their fingers during slaughtering of a dead cow meat. All patients had irregular edged necrotic vesiculobullous lesions on the erythematous and edematous base on their hand fingers, developed in 1 week following the contact. There was no systemic finding and the laboratory findings were within normal limits. Typical bamboo cane shaped gram-positive bacilli were observed on the Gram stained smears prepared from the vesicular lesions. Aerobic cultures in blood agar media revealed typical R type colonies, gray in color, creased, granulated and 2-3 mm in diameter within 24 hours of incubation. In one patient although the lesion was typical and characteristic gram-positive bacilli were detected in the Gram stained smears, no growth was seen in the cultures. The isolates (n= 3) were identified as Bacillus anthracis by conventional microbiological methods, and also confirmed by Vitek 2 (BioMerieux, France) automated identification system. Antibiotic susceptibility tests were performed by disc diffusion method according to the CLSI guidelines. The isolates were found susceptible to penicillin G, ampicillin, erythromycin, amikacin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, vancomycin and ciprofloxacin. All of the patients were treated successfully with penicillin or ciprofloxacin accompanied by topical wound care. In the last years several case series of anthrax were reported especially from the East and Southeastern Anatolia regions of Turkey. These four cutaneous anthrax cases from Diyarbakir, Turkey were reported to withdraw attention to anthrax in that specific area. It was concluded that in areas where anthrax is endemic to educate people under risk, to take the necessary preventive measures and to rule out anthrax in the differential diagnosis of cases presenting with typical ulcers and had contact with animals or their products, are of crucial importance for the early initiation of appropriate treatment which would decrease related morbidity and mortality.

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