
IN addition to the forthcoming books of science referred to in, recent issues of NATURE we notice the following publishers' announcements:—D. Appleton and Co.—The Fundamentals of Plant Breeding, J. M. Coulter; Psychology, General and Applied, H. Munsterberg; Sanitation in Panama, W. C. Gorgas. The Cambridge University Press.—The Teaching of Mathematics, Prof. T. P. Nunn (Cambridge Handbooks for Teachers). J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd.—An Introduction to the Study of African Languages, Prof. Meinhof, translated by A. Werner; Elementary Experimental Statics, I. B. Hart. G. G. Harrap and Co.—Scientific Management in Education, Dr. J. M. Rice; An Industrial Geography of Britain, W. J. Claxton T. C and E. C. Jack.—German Culture, edited by Prof. W. P. Paterson, the aim being to give an estimate of what Germany has contributed to higher life and thought in the various departments of knowledge. The following subjects will be dealt with, among others:—German Science, Prof. J. Arthur Thomson; German Philosophy, Prof. A. D. Lindsay; Political Philosophy and Politics, Prof. D. H. Macgregor; German History and Character, Prof. R. Lodge; Modern Inventions, V. E. Johnson; Electricity, W. H. McCormick; Engineering, G. Knox. Longmans and Co.—The Development and Present Position of Biological Chemistry, Prof. F. G. Hopkins; The Polysaccharides, A. R. Ling; Colloids, W. B. Hardy; Respiratory Exchange in Animals, Dr. A. Krogh; Protamines and Histones, Dr. A. Kossel; Organic Compounds of Arsenic and Antimony, Dr. G. T. Morgan; Lecithin and Allied Substances, Dr. H. Maclean; The Ornamental Plant Pigments, A. G. Perkin; Chlorophyll and Hæmoglobin, H. J. Page (Monographs on Biochemistry); Electric Waves, Prof. G. W. Pierce; The Emission of Electricity from Hot Bodies, Prof. O. W. Richardson; Colloidal Solutions, Prof. E. F. Burton; Atmospheric Ionization, Prof. J. C. McLennan (Monographs on Physics); Electrolytic Dissociation Theory, Dr. J. C. Philip; The Physical Chemistry of Flames, J. E. Coates; Clays, Dr. J. W. Mellor; Catalysis of Gas Reactions, D. L. Chapman; The Electro-Chemistry of Non-Aqueous Solutions, J. W. McBain; Catalysis in Liquid Systems, Dr. G. Senter; Hydrates in Solution, Prof. E. A. Washburn; The Rare Earth Metals, Dr. J. F. Spencer; The Molecular Volumes of Liquid Chemical Compounds, G. Le Bas; Adsorption, V. Lefebure and A. M. Williams (Monographs on Inorganic and Physical Chemistry). J. Nisbet and Co., Ltd.—The Operative Treatment of Chronic Intestinal Stasis, Sir W. A. Lane. Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd.—Experimental Physics, A. Cowling. T. Fisher Unwin.—Rubber Recueil: Papers on Rubber, its Botany, Culture, Preparation, and Commerce.

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