
White jackbean is type of bean that grows in tropical and subtropical areas. White jackbean has large protein and complex carbohydrate content. The autoclaving - cooling process can be used to change starch into resistant starch in the white jackbe an flour through gelatinization and retrogradation processes. White jackbean flour treated with autoclaving – cooling process can be used as a raw material for the formulation of food bars. Currently food bars have been in great demand along with the needs to consume healthy and nutritious ready-to-eat food. This study aims to determine the appropriate formulation of white jack bean flour treated with autoclaving – cooling process to produce food bars with the best physical, chemical and organoleptic properties.The results showed that the best formulation is the formulation of white jackbean flour : wheat flour = 60 : 40 with 48.81% carbohydrate content, 14.87% protein content, 16.57% fat content, 17.07% moisture content, 2.68% ash content, 2269.3 gf breaking strength, 6.43 N texture, 79.59 color (L), 15.71 color (a), 17.21 color (b), 4.02 color organoleptic, 3.88 flavor organoleptic, 3.83 aroma organoleptic, 3.83 texture organoleptic. and 11,38% resistant starch content.


  • White jackbean is type of bean that grows in tropical and subtropical areas

  • This study aims todetermine the appropriate formulation of white jack bean flour treated with autoclaving – cooling process toproduce food bars with the best physical, chemical and organoleptic properties.The results showed that the best formulation is the formulation of white jackbean flour : wheat flour = 60 : 40 with 48.81% carbohydrate content, 14.87% protein content, 16.57% fat content, 17.07% moisture content, 2.68% ash content, 2269.3 gf breaking strength, 6.43 N texture, 79.59 color (L), 15.71 color (a), 17.21 color (b), 4.02 color organoleptic, 3.88 flavor organoleptic, 3.83 aroma organoleptic, 3.83 texture organoleptic. and 11,38% resistant starch content

  • Functional and nutritional properties of proteins rom indonesia non-oil beans for their development as food additives

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Rahmawati dan Wirawan

Volume 12, No., (2021), Halaman 154-165 kadar air 17,07%, kadar abu 2,68%, daya patah 2269,3 gf, tekstur 6,43 N, warna (L) 79,59, warna (a) 15,71, warna (b) 17,21, organoleptik warna 4,02, organoleptik rasa 3,88, organoleptik aroma 3,83, organoleptik tekstur 3,83 , dan kadar pati resisten 11,38%. Kandungan pati resisten karbohidrat kompleks koropedang putih meningkat dari 14,12% menjadi 16,68% dengan perlakuan satu siklus autoclaving – cooling (Rahmawati et al, 2018a). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan proporsi tepung koropedang putih autoclaving - cooling : tepung terigu yang tepat untuk menghasilkan food bars dengan sifat kimia, fisik, dan organoleptik terbaik. Tepung koropedang putih dianalisis kadar air, protein, lemak, abu (Anonim, 1996) dan kadar pati resisten (Englysh et al, 1992). Pasta tersebut kemudian dimasak bertekanan dalam autoclave pada suhu 121oC selama 15 menit, diturunkan suhunya pada suhu kamar dan selanjutnya disimpan (cooling) pada suhu 4oC selama 24 jam, kemudian hasilnya dikeringkan dengan cabinet dryer bersuhu 55oC, digiling dan diayak dengan ayakan 60 mesh. Tepung koropedang putih autoclaving – cooling selanjutnya dianalisis kadar air, protein, lemak dan abu (Anonim, 1996) dan kadar pati resisten

Pembuatan food bars Tepung koropedang putih autoclaving
Tepung koropedang putih
Hasil analisa kadar air menunjukkan
Kadar Lemak
Perlakuan terbaik
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