
Purpose. To study the specifics of the seed yield and quality formation in sugar beet when applying desiccant separately and in combination with drip irrigation. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical. Results. The high efficiency of sugar beet seeds growing was proved under the conditions of drip irrigation both with the desiccant application and without it. In rainfed conditions, depending on the norms of superabsorbent introduction, the number of flowers per seed plant increased by 3.6–13.2 %, while against the background of drip irrigation by 30–39 % compared with the control. The size of pollen grains and their viability both with and without irrigation, significantly increased, which significantly affected the completeness of embryo sac, and therefore the yield and quality of seeds. Under the conditions of drip irrigation, even in the treatment without superabsorbent introduction, the yield of seed rose by 0.65 t/ha compared with control treatment (without irrigation). The significant influence of superabsorbent and drip irrigation on seed quality, namely, on vigor, germination and purity were not found. Drip irrigation influenced only the fractional composition of seeds.Conclusions. Drip irrigation and superabsorbent application provide a significant increase in flowers in seed plants, the size of pollen grains, the vitality of pollen, which significantly affected the. completeness of embryo sac. All of this provided a significant increase in the seed yield.

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