
We have investigated a magnetohydrodynamic mechanism that accounts for several fundamental properties of the slow solar wind, in particular its variability, latitudinal extent, and bulk acceleration. In view of the well‐established association between the streamer belt and the slow wind, our model begins with a simplified representation of a streamer beyond the underlying coronal helmet: a neutral sheet embedded in a plane fluid wake. This wake‐neutral sheet configuration is characterized by two parameters that vary with distance from the Sun: the ratio of the cross‐stream velocity scale to the neutral sheet width, and the ratio of the typical Alfvén velocity to the typical flow speed far from the neutral sheet. Depending on the values of these parameters, our linear theory predicts that three kinds of instability can develop when this system is perturbed: a tearing instability and two ideal fluid instabilities with different cross‐stream symmetries (varicose and sinuous). In the innermost, magnetically dominated region beyond the helmet cusp, we find that the streamer is resistively and ideally unstable, evolving from tearing‐type reconnection in the linear regime to a nonlinear varicose fluid instability. Traveling magnetic islands are formed which are similar to features recently revealed by the large‐angle spectroscopic coronagraph on the joint European Space Agency/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) [Brueckner et al., 1995]. During this process, the center of the wake is accelerated and broadened slightly. Past the Alfvén point, where the kinetic energy exceeds the magnetic energy, the tearing mode is suppressed, but an ideal sinuous fluid mode can develop, producing additional acceleration up to typical slow wind speeds and substantial broadening of the wake. Farther from the Sun, the system becomes highly turbulent as a result of the development of ideal secondary instabilities, thus halting the acceleration and producing strong filamentation throughout the core of the wake. We discuss the implications of this model for the origin and evolution of the slow solar wind, and compare the predicted properties with current observations from SOHO.

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