
Establishing of “Integrated Sheep Village” is one of the dissemination models as well as the media to introduce the technology to farmer. The model can be used as an effort to bring the technologies that have been produced by IRIAP to users (stakeholders). Indonesia Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP) has introduced a livestock production model known as Integrated Sheep in the region of Pandeglang, Banten Province. Through “Integrated Sheep Village” model, farmers are expected to adopt the technology that suits to local condition. Synergy of cooperation and coordination with Research Agency in the area that is AIAT, and local District Animal Husbandry Office, as well as other related institutions became the main model in its development. The model has been successfully done through technology assistance activities as livestock development efforts. Through site-specific technology package that is easy to apply, this model is expected to provide services and to disseminate of research findings optimally to the public. Besides, the model is expected to become Village Breeding Centre to develope certain livestock. K e y words: Sheep village, sheep, assistance, technology


  • Establishing of “Integrated Sheep Village” is one of the dissemination models as well as the media to introduce the technology to farmer

  • The model can be used as an effort to bring the technologies that have been produced by Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP) to users

  • Through “Integrated Sheep Village” model, farmers are expected to adopt the technology that suits to local condition

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Kampung ternak

Kampung Ternak Domba merupakan suatu kawasan desa, dimana sebagian besar masyarakatnya diarahkan untuk memelihara ternak domba, sehingga kawasan tersebut akan menjadi sumber ternak dengan populasi yang stabil atau meningkat, serta pendapatan rumah tangga yang berasal dari ternak domba berpeluang ditingkatkan menjadi >50% UMR daerah setempat. Lebih lanjut dikemukakan untuk menjadi Kampung Ternak Domba, kampung tersebut harus dikenal sebagai sumber ternak domba untuk wilayah kabupaten maupun di luar kabupaten pengembangan kampung ternak, pendapatan rumah tangga yang berasal dari usaha ternak domba >50% dari UMR yang berlaku di wilayah pengembangan, dan populasi ternak stabil atau meningkat. Sedangkan tahapan pembentukan Kampung Ternak Domba Terpadu dapat dilakukan melalui prosedur: Inisiasi dengan pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder) setempat a) Rapid Rural Apprecial (RRA) minimal di tiga lokasi calon kampung ternak b) Participatory Rural Apprecial (PRA) pada salah satu desa terpilih c) Pelatihan d) Persiapan sarana dan prasarana kandang e) Persiapan penanaman tanaman pakan ternak f) Pemasukan ternak g) Pendampingan h) Monitoring dan evaluasi. Dinas Peternakan Provinsi/Kabupaten setempat bersama Instansi, dan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat yang terkait bertugas memfasilitasi tersedianya sarana dan prasarana pendukung (Pustaka 2011)

Lokasi paket teknologi
Pemilihan bibit
Pemberian pakan
Sistem perguliran
Dinamika populasi ternak domba
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