
In this work, we studied the fabrication of 12-nm-size nanodot pattern by self-assembly technique using high-etching-selectivity poly (styrene)-poly (dimethyl-siloxane) (PS-PDMS) block copolymers. The necessary etching duration for removing the very thin top PDMS layer is unexpectedly longer when the used molecular weight of PS-PDMS is 13.5-4.0 kg/mol (17.5 kg/mol total molecular weight) than that of 30.0-7.5 kg/mol (37.5 kg/mol total molecular weight). From this experimental result, it was clear that PS-PDMS with lower molecular weight forms thicker PDMS layer on the air/polymer interface of PS-PDMS film after microphase separation process. The 22-nm pitch of nanodot pattern by self-assembly holds the promise for the low-cost and high-throughput fabrication of 1.3 Tbit/inch2storage device. Nanodot size of 12 nm also further enhances the quantum-dot effect in quantum-dot solar cell.

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