
The formation of Au/Ni and Pt/Ni contacts to p-GaN has been examined with Auger depth profiling and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis and compared to circular transmission line measurements of their respective transport properties. The metal bilayers were deposited by radio frequency argon ion sputtering, and the samples were annealed at different temperatures in a 10−3 mbar oxygen ambient. Both contacts were distinctly non-ohmic as deposited. Ohmic behaviour was achieved after oxidation at temperatures above 400 °C, and the two contacts were found to have comparable performance, with a lowest specific contact resistance ρc = 1.0 × 10−2 Ω cm2 for the Pt/Ni contact after annealing at 400 °C and ρc = 1.3 × 10−2 Ω cm2 for the best Au/Ni contact annealed at 600 °C. Au and Pt both serve to ensure a highly conducting contact layer after annealing in oxygen and help lower the Schottky barrier at the metal/p-GaN interface by virtue of their large work functions. Distinct differences were observed in the alloying properties of the Pt/Ni and the Au/Ni contact layers, however. While Pt and Ni interdiffuse to form a uniform alloy upon annealing in oxygen at 600 °C, Ni diffuses outwards to form surface nickel oxide for the Au/Ni metallization. Trace amounts of Ga were observed at the surface after annealing at 600 °C for the Pt/Ni and the Au/Ni bilayers alike, albeit in considerably larger measure for Pt/Ni. We believe that this surface Ga derives from a thermally activated reaction between Ni and GaN, which adversely affects the contact performance. The outward diffusion of Ni upon thermal oxidation of the Au/Ni contact appears to inhibit the rate of this interface reaction, which speaks in favour of using Au over Pt in ohmic contacts to p-GaN. Preconditioning of the p-GaN surface by deposition and subsequent removal of a thin coating of Ni are found to improve the contact performance, provided the coating is not annealed before removal.

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