
John Wansbrough’s scholarship on the Qur??n has had a significant impacton Qur??nic Studies over the last forty years. His ideas continue to stimulateresearch into historical and literary dimensions of the Qur??n, even thoughassessments vary greatly regarding the plausibility of some of his major ideas,and his subtle arguments can be difficult to follow. This essay clarifies andevaluates Wansbrough’s thinking about the composition of the Qur??n byelucidating the models from Biblical Studies that he appropriated. Detailedtreatment is given to biblical form criticism and Wansbrough’s application ofthis method to the qur??nic accounts of the prophet Shu?ayb. It is suggestedthat Wansbrough’s form-critical research yielded positive insights into theQur??n, but also left certain questions unanswered. It is then proposed thatanother model taken from Biblical Studies, the idea of a “rolling corpus”as developed in research on the book of Jeremiah, can sharpen and refineWansbrough’s conclusions.

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