
Within the subproject B3 of the Collaborative Research Center 692 it has been shown that Al-Mg compounds with a good bonding quality can be produced by hydrostatic coextrusion. During processing by forging, the aluminum sleeve is thinned in areas of high strains depending on the component geometry. To solve this problem an eccentric core arrangement during co-extrusion was investigated. Based on the results of FE-simulations, the experimental validation is presented in this work. Rods with an offset of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 mm were produced by eccentric hydrostatic co-extrusion. Ultrasonic testing was used to evaluate the bonding quality across the entire rods. For the forging investigations the basic process Rising was chosen. The still good bonding quality after forging was examined by dye penetrant testing and optical microscopy.For an optimal stress transfer between the materials across the entire component, a sufficient bonding between the materials is essential. To evaluate the interface strength, a special bending test was developed. For the conception of the bending specimens it was required to analyze the Rising specimens geometry. These analyses were performed using a reconstruction of the geometrical data based on computer tomography (CT) investigations. The comparison with the numerically deter-mined Rising specimen geometry shows good correlation. Parametric Finite Element Analyses of the bending test were used to develop the load case and the specimen geometry. By means of iterative adaption of load application, bearing and specimen geometry parameters, an advantageous stress state and experimentally applicable configuration were found. Based on this conception, the experimental setup was configured and bending tests were performed. The interface strength was deter-mined by the calculation of the maximum interlaminar interfacial tension stress using the experimental interface failure force and the bending FE model.

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