
first_page settings Order Article Reprints Font Type: Arial Georgia Verdana Font Size: Aa Aa Aa Line Spacing:    Column Width:    Background: Open AccessEditorial Foreword to the Proceedings of the 12th National Symposium of Organic Chemistry "Dr. Eduardo Guerreiro", Los Cocos (Córdoba), Argentina, 14-17 November 1999 by Claudio J. Salomon 1,* and Guillermo R. Labadie 2,* 1 Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, National University of Rosario, Suipacha 531, 2000-Rosario, Argentina 2 IQUIOS (Instituto de Quimica Organica de Sintesis)-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias, Bioquimicas y Farmaceuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Suipacha 570, 2000-Rosario-Santa Fe, Argentina * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Molecules 2000, 5(3), 283-284; https://doi.org/10.3390/50300283 Published: 22 March 2000 Download Download PDF Download PDF with Cover Download XML Download Epub Versions Notes It is our pleasure to introduce this special issue of Molecules which consists of the Proceedings of the XII National Symposium of Organic Chemistry (XII SINAQO) "Dr. Eduardo Guerreiro", held on November 14-17 in Los Cocos (Córdoba), Argentina. The conference attracted more than 300 participants from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela.The scientific program started with a plenary lecture given by Dr. A. Douglas Kinghorn (U.S.A.) entitled "Plant Secondary Metabolites as Potential Anticancer Agents and Cancer Chemopreventives". In addition, there were five plenary lectures given by Dr. Michael Chanon (France): "Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Mechanism of Grignard Reagents Formation"; Dr. Vicente Gotor (Spain): "Enzimas en Disolventes Orgánicos: Uso de Lipasas y (R)- Oxinitrilasa para la Preparación de Productos de Interés Biológico"; Dr. Juan Garbarino (Chile): "Química del Género Calceolaria, Aspectos Estructurales y Biológicos"; Dr. Waldemar Priebe (U.S.A.): "Targeting DNA with Anthracyclines: The Importance of Sugar Moiety"; and Dr. Robert Dodd (France): "Aziridine Carboxylates, Carboxamides and Lactones: New Methods for their Preparation and their Transformation α and β Amino Acid Derivatives". In addition there were six Invited Lecturers and 252 posters were presented in four sessions.The purpose of this Conference is to bring together renowned scientists, researchers and students in order to reflect upon recent advances in Organic Chemistry. The meeting offered a strong representation of all the disciplines: Organic Spectroscopy (10 posters); Physical Organic Chemistry (62 posters); Natural Products and Bioorganic Chemistry (69 posters); Organometallic Chemistry (10 posters) and Synthetic Organic Chemistry (100 posters).It has been a real challenge for us to organize and edit this issue as it is the first time that the material presented at The National Symposium of Organic Chemistry (SINAQO) is published as a Proceedings volume. We are strongly convinced that this Special Issue will increase and improve the diffusion of the research in Organic Chemistry carried out in South America, and particularly in Argentina. Thus, we are very grateful to the Organizing Committee for promoting the publication in Molecules, and last but not least, to all the participants who contributed with their research work to the success of this task.Sincerely, Dr. Guillermo R. Labadie Dr. Claudio J. SalomonGuest editorsFebruary, 2000 Share and Cite MDPI and ACS Style Salomon, C.J.; Labadie, G.R. Foreword to the Proceedings of the 12th National Symposium of Organic Chemistry "Dr. Eduardo Guerreiro", Los Cocos (Córdoba), Argentina, 14-17 November 1999. Molecules 2000, 5, 283-284. https://doi.org/10.3390/50300283 AMA Style Salomon CJ, Labadie GR. Foreword to the Proceedings of the 12th National Symposium of Organic Chemistry "Dr. Eduardo Guerreiro", Los Cocos (Córdoba), Argentina, 14-17 November 1999. Molecules. 2000; 5(3):283-284. https://doi.org/10.3390/50300283 Chicago/Turabian Style Salomon, Claudio J., and Guillermo R. Labadie. 2000. "Foreword to the Proceedings of the 12th National Symposium of Organic Chemistry "Dr. Eduardo Guerreiro", Los Cocos (Córdoba), Argentina, 14-17 November 1999" Molecules 5, no. 3: 283-284. https://doi.org/10.3390/50300283 Find Other Styles Article Metrics No No Article Access Statistics For more information on the journal statistics, click here. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view.


  • The purpose of this Conference is to bring together renowned scientists, researchers and students in order to reflect upon recent advances in Organic Chemistry

  • our pleasure to introduce this special issue of Molecules which consists of the Proceedings of the XII National Symposium

  • The conference attracted more than 300 participants from Argentina

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