
The platform of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has become one of the priority formats of modern international cooperation in the field of forensic science. This is due to the role of forensic expertise in the detection and investigation of crimes of terrorism, separatism and extremism, as well as in other areas that require the application of specialized knowledge. The stepping up of cooperation between forensic science organizations has been taking place in response to the decision of the Meeting of the Ministers of Justice of SCO member states to establish an expert working group on forensic practices. The plan is to implement a whole range of measures within the functional framework of the group to consolidate the capabilities of forensic science in SCO member states, as a way of improving the quality of forensic services and reducing turnaround times. As part of an ongoing effort to harmonize methodological approaches to the tasks facing the working group, the article analyzes the legislation of a number of states participating in SCO activities. The issues of retraining and professional development of experts, as well as the training of research personnel constitute a separate area of cooperation. It is proposed to consider the Forensic Science Department of the Law Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia as an organizational and technical platform for educational cooperation among member states, observer states, and SCO dialogue partners on the issues of in-service professional development of forensic personnel.


  • The platform of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has become one of the priority formats of modern international cooperation in the field of forensic science

  • The issues of retraining and professional development of experts, as well as the training of research personnel constitute a separate area of cooperation

  • Пути стандартизации судебно-экспертной деятельности на пространстве содружества независимых государств // Теория и практика судебной экспертизы

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The platform of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has become one of the priority formats of modern international cooperation in the field of forensic science. Начиная с Первого совещания министров юстиции государств – членов Шанхайской организации сотрудничества (5–6 сентября 2013 г., Пекин, КНР), практически на каждой встрече в повестку дня заседаний включался вопрос о взаимодействии в сфере судебной экспертизы как одном из приоритетных практических направлений. Проблемам совершенствования и интеграции СЭД, внедрения в нее инноваций и современных технологий традиционно отводится первостепенное место в международном сотрудничестве судебно-экспертных учреждений (СЭУ) государств – членов ШОС.

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