
THE following have been elected foreign members of the Linnean Society: Dr. Reinhard Dohrn, director of the Marine Biological Station, Naples. Dr. Dohrn is the son of the founder of the station, the reputation and popularity of which have steadily increased under his government. The Great War and the years which succeeded threatened its existence; its survival was entirely due to the self-sacrificing enthusiasm of Dr. Dohrn. Dr. Herman Augustus Spoehr, director of sciences at the Carnegie Institution's Division of Plant Biology, Stanford University, California. Dr. Spoehr's work has been mainly on the physiology of plants, his first researches being concerned with photosynthesis; his text-book on “Photosynthesis” published in 1926 is of high merit. His study of photosynthesis and the nutritive problems of cacti opened up several lines of research; he has published results on the colloid behaviour of plant protoplasm, the reduction of carbon dioxide by ultra-violet light, growth and imbibition, the chemistry of leaf pigments, together with a series of papers on respiration some of them in collaboration with other workers. Prof. Erik Anderson Stensio, director of the Riksmuseets Paleonto-logiska Avdeling, Stockholm, distinguished for his researches upon Old Red Sandstone fishes. His success has been largely due to his admirable fertility in inventing new methods for the development of these fossils: by such means he gained a great deal of information about the nervous system, blood supply and mucus circulation in these ancient organisms, all matters of great morphological significance.

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