
A three-alternative forced-choice procedure was employed to measure monaurally the phase and amplitude of the cubic combination tone, 2 f1 − f2. To measure phase, two primaries f1 and f2 were presented simultaneously with a third tone at frequency 2 f1 − f2. The third tone had phase θ in two intervals and phase θ + 180° in the third interval. A plot of percent correct discrimination as a function of θ was used to determine the phase of the combination tone. The phase of the combination tone was calculated to be ±90° from the value of θ which resulted in minimum discrimination. A “mirroring” technique was then employed to determine the amplitude of the combination tone. In the odd interval a cancellation tone was added 180° out of phase from the combination tone. Percent correct discrimination was measured as a function of the level of the cancellation tone. It was assumed the minimum in the function occurred at a level 6 dB greater than the combination tone. The results obtained from various objective and adjustment procedures will be compared. [This research was supported by an NIH grant.]

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